Law of Attraction Tips to Get Anything You Want in Life

Paul Wadsworth
4 min readNov 26, 2018


Before we discuss these law of attraction tips that can help transform your life, it’s important to become familiar with the law of attraction, if you haven’t already.

What is the law of attraction?

Also known as the law of vibration, the law of attraction is a universal law whereby people, situations, and circumstances in our lives are there because they are in the same vibrational frequency that we are in.

The easiest way to think of this is to imagine a radio station that is set to a certain frequency. If you don’t match that frequency with your signal then you won’t be able to hear what’s on the radio. It will most likely just blurb out some noise because it isn’t in sync.

Now imagine that concept, but this time your thoughts act as frequencies. What you believe and think about consistently will come into your life. YES, your thoughts become things.

When I first heard about this years ago, I was absolutely fascinated and a little confused at first. People will often say things such as “like attracts like”, or “I feel like we’re on the same wavelength”. These are signs that you are in harmonious vibration with that individual.

The Law of Attraction is Always Working in Your Life

Just like the law of gravity works 100% of the time and favors no individual, the same applies to the law of attraction.

Think about when you are having a conversation with someone and time just flies by so naturally. You are on the same frequency as that person.

The relationships that you get in your life happen because you are both in the same vibration. It may not be where either of you wants to be, but you have appeared in each other’s lives from the law of attraction.

The amount of money that you have is in your life because of where your thoughts have consistently been.

Everything in your physical world is a reflection of your inner world. Therefore, if you want to change your physical experiences in life, you must change your thought patterns.

Law of Attraction Tips That Don’t Work

One of the most common problems I see is that many people think they can attract whatever they want in life by simply thinking those thoughts. The reality is that it takes time, and also requires a lot of action.

The popular movie and book from Rhonda Byrne called ‘The Secret’ was very influential in this way of thinking. It was one of the first self-development books that I read and definitely had a massive impact on my life. However, I do believe that a lot of the information is sugar coated which led many people to believe the above beliefs.

The Secret Formula to Allow the Law of Attraction to Work for You

Thoughts > feelings > Actions > Results

When you consistently think about what you want and are able to get emotionally involved with those thoughts, you will naturally begin to take action, because we take action based on our emotions. You never have to know the specifics of how you will achieve something, but you do have to think about it and actually take some action.

Everything that you experience in your life was at some point a vision in your mind.

Because the topic of making more money is so popular, let’s use it as an example for a moment. Let’s say that you start thinking thoughts of financial abundance and begin to visualize this, you may feel inspired to go to a particular event that you saw advertised at a bus stop. For whatever reason, you decided to take action and go to it.

At the event, you happen to bump into an old friend from years ago. You start chatting away, and before you know it you’ve been offered an opportunity for a new job that happens to pay more than you currently earn.

This is the law of attraction at work. You didn’t force anything, you simply shifted your focus and took inspired action which led to the desired outcome.

People will say that thing’s such as: “you got so lucky”. It’s because they don’t understand the law of attraction.

Close the Gap

If your goal is to have a happy and fulfilling relationship, but you’re currently in a toxic and dysfunctional one, then waking up in the morning happily with your dream partner is likely not going to happen that quickly.

Just like earning $10,000 per year and wanting to jump up to $1,000000 per year is very unlikely to happen in a few months.

However, in time, both of these things are very possible.

See: Goals that only the top 3% understand

Fake it Until You Make it

If you are far away from where you want to be, recognize that it will take time. But you can begin to see yourself as the person you want to become. Start to associate with the people you want to be around. Start to do the things that you would do when you get there.

Shift your focus and thinking to a higher frequency and your life will begin to change. But remember, you must take action!

Thanks again for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it.

Please share and leave a comment below to let me know your thoughts. What are you wanting to attract into your life?

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Originally published at on November 26, 2018.

